The Journey To Success

A 12-Month Purposeful Journey With Strategic Monthly Missions Focused on Nailing Visibility and Leveraging Sustainable Systems to Scale Your Business

The Journey to Success is the Super Fun Way to …

✅Grow your email list massively and get huge exposure and an audience who is ready to buy.
Automate your sales process so you have cash coming on every single day in a semi-passive way and add an additonal 5 figures revenue to your exisitng business model.
✅Say yes to automations and passive signature offers that help you sell on autopilot and get the most of your audience that you have built over the years.
✅Build evergreen systems that work as a sustainable ecosystem and enable you take breaks from your business or even enjoy long vacations whilst you still keep making money.
✅Add on semi-passive revenue to your already succesful business so you can scale to the next level by freeing up your time.

What exactly do you get:

✔️24 Laser Focussed Monthly Missions that help you Nail Visibility and set Evergreen Systems to bring in consistent sales.

✔️Access to signature offers that work around the 24 missions to be able to take action. (Delivered live for the first round)

✔️Bi-Weekly Hot Seat Style Q & A Calls to get you sorted and on track.

✔️Monthly Reward System for getting things doneAs a motivation, I also promote your work to my full email list if done in a specific timeline.

✔️Access to Get it Done Week of offers included into the curriculum hosted during your tenure.

✔️Private Facebook Group so you can get support from me and motivation from peers.

✔️Private Slack Group so you can get direct support from me in audio and stay on track.

✔️A monthly detailed review of your work or projects.


Pricing Options

Journey To Success PIF *Recommended Plan $6000 USD
Split Pay 2 payments of $3100 USD every 6 months
Journey To Success Quaterly Plan 4 payments of $1600 USD every 3 months
Journey To Success 12 Months Plan 12 payments of $555 USD /month

Order Summary

    The Journey To Success $6000 USD
    Redeem Coupon
    $6000 USD

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