Immerse Yourself in 12 Weeks of Intensive 1:1 Support for total Business Transformation and Growth.

Deep Dive is specifically designed for entrepreneurs and business leaders who are not just dreaming of success but are ready to take decisive, strategic action to achieve it.

Ready to Transform Your Business and Leadership?

🤝 Deep Dive is a 12-week transformative journey that promises to exceed your business aspirations and elevate your leadership to new heights. 🥂

This is all about redefining what success looks like for you and your business and turning your entrepreneurial vision into a resounding reality. 🎯

This Program is Right for you if You are Ready for..


Get clarity around your dream clients, offers, business foundations, structure, revenue streams, automation etc to scale your business with EASE.


Be more focused on creating & selling your offers, setting up systems, serving your clients and creating a massive impact without the OVERWHELM.


Get massive visibility to attract your dream clients, automate your business with simple systems and create processes to simplify your business operations without getting BURNT OUT.


Master the art of making money every single day without being sleazy building a sustainable sales engine to 4x your revenue and explode your profits.

Deep Dive is Tailored Specifically for you if:

You Seek Financial Stability and Growth: If your goal is to create quick cash injections while establishing a base for monthly recurring revenue, this program shows you how to secure high cash months in advance without increasing your workload.

You Want Comprehensive Expansion: if you want to expand or refine your product suite with offers designed to triple your profits, or wish to introduce your dream clients to various entry points into your paid world.

You Aspire to Premium Pricing: Learn to sell your high-ticket offers at your desired price, without discounting, thus reflecting the true value of your expertise and quality.

You Are Ready to Scale with Group Programs: Launch your close proximity group programs and make your private coaching a premium, exclusive experience for your clients.

You Want to Leverage Existing Resources: Maximize your content by repurposing it into mini, micro offers that continually add to your passive revenue, enhancing your profit streams efficiently.

You Desire to Launch Your Dream Offers:
Implement launch strategies that not only resonate with your lifestyle but also significantly boost your revenue.

You Aim to Overcome Mental and Energetic Barriers: Tackle mindset and energetic blocks head-on, paving the way for achieving six-figure revenues and beyond.

You Want to Optimize Your Cash Flow: Multiply your business income by strategising your cash flows and employing simple yet effective sales strategies.

You Wish to Stand Out in Your Industry: Differentiate yourself and get chosen by your dream clients by showcasing your unique value and solutions.

You Desire aLife of Freedom: Create the life you've always wanted, full of financial freedom and luxury for you and your family, by building a sustainable and thriving business.

You Value Customized, High-Level Support: Deep Dive provides not just generic advice but customised strategies and high-level support tailored to transform your business and lead you towards overall success.

You Want to Systematize Client Acquisition: Learn to set up automated systems that not only attract new clients consistently but also nurture them through the sales process.

What's Included in Deep Dive:

💥Customised Strategies: We customise all the strategies based on your business needs and create a custom plan to be followed during our time together along with our day-to-day business operations.

💥Weekly 60-Minute 1:1 Calls: Dive deep into your business goals and challenges with weekly strategy calls tailored to your specific needs. Receive expert guidance, feedback, and actionable insights to keep you on track and moving forward.

💥Unlimited Voxer Access(5 Days a week): Get direct access to your Asmita via Voxer for additional support, feedback, and accountability throughout the week. Whether you have questions, need clarification, or want to celebrate wins, I am just a message away.

💥Weekly Detailed Project Review: Receive personalised feedback and guidance on your key projects and initiatives, ensuring they're aligned with your overall business strategy and objectives.

💥Actionable Growth Plans: Develop customised growth plans for your business, covering everything that we need to achieve your set goals. These plans provide a roadmap for success and ensure you're making progress towards your goals.

💥Accountability and Support: With timely check-ins, we ensure that you stay on track and maximise your productivity throughout the week.

💥Resource Optimization: Learn to maximise your resources, whether it’s time, team, or tools, to ensure optimal efficiency across all business operations.

💥Access to Relevant Offers from My Product Suite: Gain access to relevant offers from my product suite to make the most out of our time together.

A Brief Overview of How This Coaching Process Works

Deep Dive is an overall approach to clients' growth in business and life. we incorporate STRATEGY +MINDSET+ ENERGETICS with our coaching clients. It’s a blend of 80% coaching and 20% mentoring.

Overall coaching follows the below pattern:

Who they are/Assessment:

Helps us truly understand who our client is. How they take action and what would fit them in the long term. Human Design, Myers Briggs, the PERMAH Wellbeing Study, Self-reflective questions and the Wheel of Now.


The de-conditioning process is about looking to reverse the previous conditioning of behaviour that no longer serves oneself.


Matrix re-imprinting:

This allows us to connect with our subconscious mind and get to the route of what is causing problems in moving forward. It can be used to help change behaviour, habits or old patterns.

Cord Cutting:

Doing a cord-cutting technique is powerful as it helps remove any energy still attached to something that a person may want to release.



Various tools to evaluate, and set goals Example: Powerful Questions, Socratic Questions, focusing on our strengths, Active listening, SWOT - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, Goal Setting

Quantum Leaping:

Quantum leaping allows us to tap into the vibrational energy of our best future reality and connect with that frequency now.



It helps takes clients out of narrow focus in the present and look at longer-term thinking and expanding their mindset to see multiple possibilities.


Every call follows the below pattern Celebrate, Establish focus, Explore, Action/Planning, and Closing We also evaluate our partnership and stay focused on our intentions.   


The ABC Coaching Effect which is a blend of STRATEGY +MINDSET+ ENERGETICS has gotten massive shifts for me and my clients. I love how my clients are getting results and moving ahead.

Real Results and Shifts!!

What Makes Deep Dive Unique?

Holistic Transformation:

Deep Dive is meticulously crafted to foster significant changes, not just in your business strategies but also in your approach to leadership. Over 12 weeks, you will undergo a transformation that enhances your decision-making capabilities, sharpens your vision, and solidifies your role as a pivotal leader within your industry.

Personalized Coaching:

Every aspect of the program is tailored to fit your unique needs and challenges. Through one-on-one sessions, you'll receive personalized guidance that digs deep into the core of your business, identifying potential areas for growth and innovation that you might not have recognized.

Strategic Insights:

Each strategy session is designed to push the boundaries of what you believe is possible, enabling you to break new ground in your market.

Unwavering Support:

Throughout this journey, you are not alone. You'll have continuous access to expert advice and support, ensuring you feel confident and backed every step of the way.

Join us to redefine your business, enhance your leadership, and achieve unprecedented success.

How to Get Started:

Book a Consultation:

Fill out the application form and we will reach out for the initial consultation call if we feel momentum is right fit for you. Over the call we discuss your goals ensure you can get the best out of Momentum.

Secure Your Spot:

Secure your spot by completing the payment and signing agreement.

Book Your Pre Journey 1:1 Call:

Book a 60 Minute 1:1 session to get clear on your goals and our time together. {Pre program assessment call}

Pre-Program Assessment:

Complete a detailed assessment to clarify your goals, challenges, and priorities, ensuring your coaching experience is tailored to your specific needs. (We do this on a 60-minute 1:1 call)

Launch into Action:

We start deep dive with our weekly support calls and voxer access to take care of things in your business for holistic transformation.

Join Deep Dive today and embark on a journey that goes beyond just meeting your business aspirations—it’s about exceeding them and achieving unprecedented success. With personalized coaching, strategic insights, and unwavering support, transform your entrepreneurial vision into a resounding reality.

Meet Your Coach

Hello, I am Asmita Business Growth & Visibility Coach, Abundance Excelerator, Mindset Magician and Strategy Superhero.

I am that Business Growth Coach who RE-BUILT her entire business from ZERO in just 365 days whilst being pregnant, whilst having a toddler to care for.

I know a thing or two about building and scaling businesses. The wrong way AND the effortless way….. You know? Since I’ve already done it twice.

I am not just the coach who claims to be an expert, but the Coach who has actually put in the effort to be an expert. I have invested over $11000 in certifications, 300+ client hours, and 500+ study hours on getting trained to be the best in my niche.

My unique ABC Coaching Effect that blends STRATEGY + MINDSET + ENERGETICS is proven to get results. Here to make an impact, here to stay. 

As Seen In :