A 12-Month Purposeful Journey With Strategic Monthly Missions Focused on Nailing Visibility and Leveraging Sustainable Systems to Scale Your Business For Consistent Cash Flow and add 5 figures in Semi Passive Revenue.

What if you could get Laser Focussed Missions, Amazing Community, Accessible Support and Quick-to-Implement Trainings to build a semi passive sustainable business that banks in consistent cash every single day in the next 12 months?

Sounds Exciting right?


You will get first hand expereince with how I moved(additional model) my business to semi-passive ways using multi offer ecosystem and evergreen methods to make sales daily.

Simple automation strategies that enable you making money every single day and enjoying a semi automated business success by adding additional 5 figures revenue on automation to your existing business ecosystem.

The is your opportunity to work on automating your business by taking one step at a time and being assured that this all is working perfectly in building the bigger picture of your semi passive business model that you have always dreamt of.😇 {We do only simple automations}

As a Coach or an Digital product Based Entreprenuer, You have already seen 5 & 6 Figures Success... You have done the work to show up, sign clients, deliver and you know how to make money.

You have built a audience over the years and refined your offers. Now you want to automate business processes and make more money with less efforts. You are so ready to put in the work that pays you in manyfolds later.

You know that you are meant for more and ready to take action to build something that isn’t totally reliable on some trends or just you.

You want to follow step-by-step focused missions which all play together in the bigger picture and help you automate your business.  You can clearly see your transformation over these 12 months and are dedicated to this journey along with me.

You love the way I teach, love my methods and appreciate my growth. You are very sure that working with me is gonna get you the results that you have desired for a long time.

You are all set to attract your DREAM clients every single day & bank cash in semi passive way.


A 12-Month Purposeful Journey With Strategic Monthly Missions Focused on Nailing Visibility and Leveraging Sustainable Systems to Scale Your Business For Consistent Cash Flow and add 5 figures in Semi Passive Revenue..

The JOURNEY is a unique process that helps you build long lasting success by following the strategic steps and building things that can be used over and over again. It's a journey to create evergreen systems in your business that last longer and guarantee success.

We follow the Profit Accelerator Framework to Streamline Your Success with simple automations and evergreen systems that enable to make passive sales daily and boost your profits.

With The Journey To Success, you can:

⭐Spend the next 12 months focusing on taking micro steps that help you simplify your business with simple automations and adding evergreen model (semi passive model) to your revenue stream and bank addiitonal 5 figures income.
⭐Avoid the overwhelm of having too many things at hand and having no idea of where to get started when it comes to build systems in business for automated sales and visibility.
⭐Exactly setting the goal for the month and getting to action holding yourselves accountable with the community.
⭐Scale your business further with adding extra $3K to $8K per month semi-passive income on automation.
⭐Build high converting sales assests(Sales Emails, Sales pages, Email Launch Campaigns) for your signature passive offers so you can sell them on autopilot.
⭐Start building your multi offer ecosystem that enables you to make sales daily and lets your people fall in love with you.

THE Profit Accelerator FRAMEWORK!

The Profit Accelerator Framework is 6 step framework focussing on 6 core areas of a business growth with semi passive methods.


We build your evergreen systems to scale your business with simple automations that bring you daily sales and help you build a semi passive business model into your exisiting business.



Unlock the power of lead magnets and collaborative bundles to massively expand your reach and attract potential clients.

Harness the potential of Facebook paid ads to drive targeted traffic and increase brand awareness.

Create and utilize micro offers to capture attention and convert leads efficiently.

Develop evergreen content that continues to drive visibility and engagement long after its initial launch." 

Lead Generation

Create irresistible lead magnets that capture attention and convert visitors into subscribers.

Leverage the power of collaborative bundles to expand your reach and generate high-quality leads.

Utilize Facebook lead ads to target and attract your ideal audience effectively.

Implement proven techniques to optimize your lead capture process and grow your email list effortlessly.


Craft compelling welcome sequences that introduce new subscribers to your brand and set the stage for ongoing engagement.

Develop evergreen email sequences that consistently delivers value and build a trust-like factor

Create impactful email-only courses that provide education and build trust with your leads.

Leverage the power of collaborative bundles & summits to provide immense value, and nurture your leads.

Multi-Offer Ecosystem

Build a dynamic multi-offer ecosystem to create multiple entry points for clients into your business world.

Develop a range of passive offers that generate surprise income and provide ongoing value.

Create upsell and cross-sell opportunities to maximize revenue from each client interaction.

Master the art of crafting a seamless client journey through your ecosystem, ensuring every touchpoint adds value and drives growth.

Automated Sales

Master the art of automated sales to generate consistent revenue with minimal effort turn leads into clients quickly and effectively (tripwires, order bumps, etc)

Develop sales sequences that nurture leads and guide them smoothly towards purchasing.

Utilize advanced sales strategies such as waitlisting, flash sales, and evergreen webinars to create urgency and drive conversions.

Host offer parties to engage your audience and boost sales in a fun, interactive way.

Evergreen Systems

Build robust evergreen systems to ensure consistent and recurring revenue.

Develop a compelling signature offer that serves as the cornerstone of your business.

Focus on strategies that generate recurring revenue, providing financial stability and growth.

Ensure your evergreen systems are optimized for maximum efficiency and profitability.

Create evergreen content that continually attracts and nurtures leads over time.


We have 24 missions in total divided into MAJOR and MINOR missions so we get to focus on 2 missions each month. {They are built on each other and don't cosume too much time)

You get to work on One Major and One Minor Mission each month depending on what you want to prioritise in your business.

The mission struture below is just shown as we developed it but there is NO rule to follow it this same way. You can mix and match and choose your own sequence.


Major missions are the ground work and require significant time to create things and then set it up. We encourage to accomplish one major mission a month as a non negotiable.

You get to choose any missio that you would love to implement each month. These missions are built up on each other so once the journey starts you will experience a smooth process, whereas the first few months you might feel it's too much of work.


Minor missions are normally a build on the ground work done in major missions. These normally take less time and effort to accomplish them. We encourage doing a minor mission along with major mission each month or doing multiple multiple minor missions one month as you get things ready.

The Journey to Success is the Super Fun Way to …

✅Grow your email list massively and get huge exposure and an audience who is ready to buy.
✅Automate your sales process so you have cash coming on every single day in a semi-passive way and add an additonal 5 figures revenue to your exisitng business model.
✅Say yes to automations and passive signature offers that help you sell on autopilot and get the most of your audience that you have built over the years.
✅Build evergreen systems that work as a sustainable ecosystem and enable you take breaks from your business or even enjoy long vacations whilst you still keep making money.
✅Add on semi-passive revenue to your already succesful business so you can scale to the next level by freeing up your time.

Hi, I am Asmita

I restarted my buisness in 2022 and saw a good success but yet I felt I was capped with my capacity. I had a lot more offers that included 1:1 access to me which drained me.😬

No mater how much ever I wanted to be fully in my business, showing up on social media..I couldn't with 2 little babies under 3. I was strugling to make business easy and not add another mess (Overwhelm & burnout) on top of what my life had already gifted me with this new mommy llifestyle.

I invested a lot in high ticket coaching and programs to help me scale my business but I ended getting drained up and disappointed as nothing moved forward.😓

I seemed to be working and working but things never moved further. All strategies that I learned looped back to showing up powerfully for your business and that exactly was my limitation.😔

I had to figure out a way that helped me lean back with the right energy by doing all the work...

In January 2023, I decided enough was enough. I was done with struggling to show up on social media and be all in with my own personal limitations even though that's what I always wanted to do.

I had to find an alternative that could still bring in people in my world while I simplified social media and cleaned all the offers that drained me.

I had to find my way of doing things rather then over investing in programs with a hope of solution which did nothing but made my business a money-eating monster.

I decided to focus on monthly goals rather than the business as a whole picture

I started creating multiple micro/mini offers, created multiple lead magnets, started building my list and cleaned up my signature offers. I had no idea how this puzzle would get solved in bigger picture.

I grabbed the opportunity of participating in multiple bundles and testing Facebook Ads. To my surprise, I got a massive recognition that I always desired with these micro offers and lead magnets that my high ticket offers could never give me.🤩

Pushing a little further with adding simple automations and launching evergreen programs helped me bank cash every.single day.😍💃

I added additional passive revenue to my business just via these micro offers and automation which I thought was never possible for me. And not to forget all of these automations lead into my signature evegreen offers. (Yes, recurring revenue and money making offers).

This JigSaw puzzle was now a clear ROADMAP...

Then tried this step-by-step process with my private clients and they saw amazing results. And this is exactly what I cover inside cover in this 12-month journey.

12 months and 24 missions that cover major part of the process and supporting tasks that make this puzzle a clear path to success.

The Journey To Success is your real journey to automated success followig the Profit Accelerator Framework.


We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all way to scale your business.

You will never be forced to follow any strategies that don't fit or don't align with you. You shouldn’t be doing things just because others did it.

Journey to Success is where I give all different strategies and steps based on what worked for me and many of my clients. These are foundational strategies that are working well in the Online Entrepreneurship World. You get to customise everything that you learn here in your way, the way that fits your brand. 

the Journey To Success

A 12 Month Purposeful Journey With Strategic Monthly Missions Focused on Nailing Visibility and Leveraging Sustainable Systems to Scale Your Business For Consistent Cash Flow and add additional 5 figures revenue.

12-Month Journey:  A year-long program divided into 24 strategic missions. Each mission is designed to support in automating your business for daily sales.

Profit Accelerator Framework: To Streamline Your Success with simple automations and evergreen systems that enable you to make passive sales daily and boost your profits.

Monthly Missions:  Focus on specific, actionable steps each month to take a structured action and build the bigger picture of your business.

Customization and Flexibility:  Strategies and steps can be easily customized to align with your business goals.

Proven Strategies:  All of these are foundational strategies that have worked for thousands including me and my clients.

Support and Accountability:  Community support and Q & A's to ensure accountability and keep you on track with your business goals.

Scalable Systems:  Building systems that support sustainable business growth for consistent and predictable cash flow.

Focus on Sustainable Growth:  Emphasis on building a business that not only grows but thrives sustainably to create a long-term success and stability.

Let's explore the missions further...


⚡Fuel your list growth and nurture your audience by building multiple lead magnets of different formats.

Low-Cost Micro Offers

⚡️Master the art of creating multiple micro offers so you can participate strategically in multiple bundles and use them to monetise your list-building efforts.


⚡️Develop effective sales sequences that get you sales from every email that you send during your sales/promo campaign.

Evergreen Sequences

⚡️Implement evergreen sequences that consistently deliver valuable content and also promote your core offers to your audience tobring in offer awareness and sales. 

Facebook Lead Ads

⚡️Master lead ads (lead form & landing pages) to grow your list to convert cold traffic and also harness the power of retargeting for list growth.

Sales Pages

⚡️Master the art of creating compelling sales pages that convert better and create your high converting pages that bring in sales on repeat.

Hosting Bundle

⚡️Host your own bundle to gather a pool of your ideal audience and convert new leads effectively.

Evergreen Signature Offer

⚡️Craft an irresistible evergreen signature offer that consistently generates revenue without you being involved into it.

Evergreen Masterclass

⚡️Develop engaging evergreen webinars and masterclasses to educate and convert your audience on autopilot into core offers.

Evergreen Challenges

⚡️Create compelling evergreen challenges that drive engagement and sales.

Recurring Revenue

⚡️Implement systems to secure recurring revenue and stabilize your cash flow. Think of simple semi passive membership and so

Evergreen Content Creation

⚡️Fuel your list-building ecosystem by integrating evergreen content that lasts longer. (Blogs, YouTube, Pinterest)

Tripwire Offers

⚡Automate your sales by setting high-converting Tripwire offers and setting them into your Lead Magnet Funnels.

Order Bump

⚡️Strategically set order bumps to increase average order value and boost sales, in turns profit.


⚡️Deploy cross-selling strategies to introduce additional products to your existing customers which help in boosting revenue.


⚡️Utilize upselling techniques to encourage customers to purchase upgrades or premium offerings which make you more revenue.

Welcome Sequences

⚡️Craft engaging welcome sequences that captivate new subscribers and guide them towards becoming loyal customers.


⚡️Build an Awareness Content Ecosystem by using Facebook ads to get exposure and build your list of warm audience.

Bundles Participation

⚡️Expand your reach, boost your authority and attract new audiences by collaborating in bundles and giveaways.

Speaking At Summits

⚡️Leverage speaking opportunities at summits to enhance your authority and expand your reach.

Waitlisting Strategy

⚡️Harness the power of waitlisting to launch your signature offer or the next offer on your list.

Quick Cash Sales Strategy

⚡️Craft compelling sales emails to create urgency, instil desire, and sell your offers effectively which builds your flash sales system to be used from time to time.

Offer Parties Strategy

⚡️Unlock the potential of offer parties and selling various things to bring in huge cash injection.

Email Only Courses

⚡️Unlock the potential of offer parties and selling various things to bring in huge cash injection.

What exactly do you get:

✔️24 Laser Focussed Monthly Missions that help you Nail Visibility and set Evergreen Systems to bring in consistent sales. (Value over $2000)

✔️Access to signature offers that work around the 24 missions to be able to take action. (Delivered live for the first round) (Value Over $6000)

✔️Bi-Weekly Hot Seat Style Q & A Calls to get you sorted and on track. (Value Over $2000)

✔️Monthly Reward System for getting things doneAs a motivation, I also promote your work to my full email list if done in a specific timeline. (Value over $1000)

✔️Access to Get it Done Week of offers included into the curriculum hosted during your tenure.(Value over $1000)

✔️Private Facebook Group so you can get support from me and motivation from peers. (Value Over $600)

✔️Private Slack Group so you can get direct support from me in audio and stay on track. (Value Over $1200)

✔️A monthly detailed review of your work or projects. (Value Over $1000)

Total value $14800 USD

You Pay $6000 USD Only/

✨Plus these kickass bonuses worth Over $2000/✨

To help you work on foundations and scale even beyond the scope of this Journey.

Bonus #1: Audience BUilders Club  

Gain access to the comprehensive Authority Growth Framework, which lays the essential groundwork for your business success.

This framework covers Clarity, Positioning, Visibility, Audience Building, and Sales, ensuring you build a strong foundation to achieve your revenue goals.

You also get additional support Q & A calls and a Kickass community as being part of ABC. 

Bonus #2: Tech Mindset & Recommendations

Unlock the potential of a tech-savvy mindset with our comprehensive Tech Mindset & Recommendations bonus.

Gain insights into the latest tools and technologies that can streamline your business operations, from automation platforms to productivity apps.

This bonus will guide you through selecting and implementing the right tech solutions, helping you work smarter, not harder.   

Bonus #3: ChatGPT Assistant 

Experience the power of ChatGPT for streamlined content creation, brainstorming ideas, writing compelling sales page copies, and laying out various offers with ease.

This bonus provides a guide to using a cutting-edge AI tool that acts as your virtual assistant, helping you generate innovative solutions and content effortlessly.     

The Journey to success is perfect for you if:

😍 You’ve been wanting to add semi-passive revenue to your business and shift a little into evergreen business model.( A Multi Offer Ecosystem)

😍You are looking for action action-focused journey which isn’t an ordinary course or mastermind.

😍 You know you want to learn online business strategies from someone who has rebuilt her business by burning down a 5 fig biz to build something more aligned.

😍You crave to simplify business by learning from a mommy who built her biz with pregnancies and babies. (2 babies in 2.5 years)

😍 You’ve realized you need to focus on one program and take necessary actions rather than investing at multiple places and getting drained.

😍 You want to build a sustainable business that’s in for long-term growth and not just a hobby style that totally depends on you or those endless discivery calls.

😍You've already seen a 5 to 6 figure success in your business and now its time to slightly evergreenify your business.

😍You are bored selling to the same audience again and again and now to expand your horizon with massive visibility.

😍You desire to do the work today which enables you to celebrate sales coming in daily in future.

The Journey to success is not right for you if:  

🙅‍♀️ You haven't seen yet seen atleast a 5 figure success with your coaching business and scaling is not on your list this year.

🙅‍♀️You aren’t trying to build a sustainable systems and looking for quick-fix solutions to make money.

🙅‍♀️You easily get attracted to shiny objects and this feels like just another one.  

🙅‍♀️ You aren’t ready to take action or maybe too pre-occupied and this isn’t the right time.  

🙅‍♀️You don’t love to commit to long term and may give up mid-way.

🙅‍♀️You get scared of automation and are not open to learn the simple systems which includes funnels to scale your business.

🙅‍♀️You love learning but struggle to take action and it would be hard for you to commit to the monthly missions.

How to Get Started:

Book a Consultation:

Fill out the application form and we will reach out for the initial consultation call if we feel Journey To Success is right fit for you. Over the call we discuss your goals ensure you can get the best out of Journey To Success.

Secure Your Spot:

Secure your spot by completing the payment and signing agreement.

Book Your Pre Journey 1:1 Call:

Book a 60 Minute 1:1 session to get clear on your goals and our time together. {Pre program assessment call}

Pre-Program Assessment:

Complete a detailed assessment to clarify your goals, challenges, and priorities, ensuring your coaching experience is tailored to your specific needs. (We do this on a 60-minute 1:1 call)

Launch into Action:

We start Journey To Success with our bi-weekly support calls and Slack access to automate your business.


Unlock long-term success with sustainable systems designed to generate consistent revenue and growth, every single day.

 đŸ”Ľ Exponential List Expansion: Experience a surge in your subscriber base, with targeted and engaged leads continuously added to your email list, driving future sales.  

🔥 Reliable Passive Income: Establish automated revenue streams that deliver consistent, predictable income, allowing you to focus on scaling your business effortlessly.  

🔥 Efficient Email Marketing: Achieve powerful results with automated email campaigns, converting leads into loyal customers without the need for constant live promotions.  

🔥 Evergreen Sales Mastery: Develop a robust, evergreen sales infrastructure that consistently attracts and converts customers, ensuring your business thrives regardless of market fluctuations.  

🔥 Scalable Growth Strategies: Implement growth strategies that are sustainable and adaptable, ensuring your business can scale smoothly and efficiently over time.


✅ 24 Laser Focussed Monthly Missions that help you Nail Visibility and set Evergreen Systems to bring in consistent sales

Value $2000

✅ Access to Signature Offers(each costing between $97 to $597 each) that work around the 24 missions to be able to take action

Value $6000

✅ Bi-Weekly Hot Seat Calls to get you sorted and on track

Value $2000

✅ Monthly Reward System for getting things done. As a motivation, I also promote your work to my full email list if done in a specific timeline.

Value $1000

✅ Access to Get it Done Week and live trainings of offers included into the curriculum hosted during your tenure.

Value $1200

✅ Private Facebook Group so you can get support from me and motivation from peers

Value $600

✅ Private Slack Group so you can get direct support from me in audio and stay on track. 

Value $1200

✅ A monthly detailed review of your work or projects

Value $1000

✅ BONUS: Access to the Audience Builders Club membership for a year with the support and all live elements.

Value $777

✅ BONUS: Tech Mindset & Recommendations Guide section

Value $497

✅ BONUS: ChatGPT Assistant

Value $497

✅ BONUS: Special Features and prizes for being an action-taker



TODAY’S PRICE= $6000/-

🔥Get Instant access for 63% off


No More Getting Your Income Capped and totally dependent on you...

Yes, it's time to set systems in your business to work for itself.

It's time to make money every single day.

It’s time to get Visible and Seen as an expert Globally.

Are You ready for the transformative journey which can shift your business to the next level?

Hello, I am Asmita

Business Growth & Visibility Coach.

Burnt down 5 Figures to rebuild something that feels more aligned

RE-BUILT her entire business from ZERO in just 365 days whilst being pregnant and having a toddler to care for.

Invested over $11000 in certifications, 300+ client hours, and 500+ study hours on getting trained to be the best in my niche. Invested over $105K in business in last 4 years.

Host Bundles & Summits, Run memberships and have dozens of low-priced offers + Lead Magnets.

A research scientist and head of operations for a mechanical firm. Mechanical Engineer and Master in Business Analytics.

My unique ABC Coaching Effect that blends STRATEGY + MINDSET + ENERGETICS to SIMPLIFY STRATEGIES and CUSTOMISE everything your way is proven to get you results.

You Might Have Seen Asmita In


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You will get instant access to Journey Curriculum (monthly missions in separate sections) and signature programs (Either live or instant access). You'll also get an invite to join our private Facebook group and Q & A calls. You will also get access to mission-specific training and what exactly had to be done.

Each month, we try to encourage members to tale action on their secific goals and keep sharing progress in group. We try to maintain a get it done week where a group of members will be on a mission to complete their chosen missio for the month.

You get rewarded for completing these missions with some exposure and visibility perks from me.

You will be given access to monthly mission training and what exactly has to be done each month. We try to engage in the community and pn calls to focus on getting our goals accomplished.

You chose your missions in the monthly checkin form.

This will be your dedicated week for taking action and showing up in the Facebook community. I will be checking in group with polls and posts to keep a track of who all are working and how is the progress. This will be purely self-commitment and support in the group and not hour-long calls that drain your energy. 

We work on creating lead magnets and self-study courses inside the journey. However, you should have at least worked with clients and delivered some programs. You should be clear on your niche and how you would love the ecosystem to shape up. If you are totally new…this isn’t the space for you, You would benefit more from joining Audience Builders Club instead.

I would love to clarify this is not a course or a membership. It’s a Journey of 12 months and you will constantly need to learn and take action. We make sure it is not content-heavy so you can focus a lot on implementation. I would say you need to commit at least 5 hours a month to work on these missions.

The strategies that I teach are the foundational basis of online business. They are not industry-specific or limited to only coaching. You have seen me and my clients grow depsite being in different sectors. If you feel these missions will shape your business then you know these strategies will work for you.

I don’t teach completed funnels but this journey is all about tech and automation. We do use simple tech and automation to build our evergreen sales & visibility systems. We would be dealing with landing pages, sales pages, and micro offers. If you don’t love tech for simplifying business then this may not be the right fit for you.
All that I teach is built using all "In tool New Zenler" for my Business and no other tools.

The FB ads mission is added as it is one of the core visibility strategies. We try to build systems to recover the ad spend in 30 to 45 days. Also, my offers never force you to implement what you don’t like. You can learn ads and invest in them whenever you feel you are ready.

Please reach out to me and we will get your ABC discount sorted if you have paid for a year. If you are paying monthly then your subscription will be cancelled and moved to this.

You get lifetime access to signature offers upon completion of 1 year but not the Mission based content and group support.  You will have an alumni plan if you want to stay connected with the missions even beyond 1 year.

Unfortunately no. This is not a membership. It’s a year-round journey and no refund or cancellations are allowed. Please commit to it only when you are sure to move ahead. You are always welcome to join Audience Builders Club if you wish to try and cancel if not happy.

At case to case basis, we may allow cancellation but we revoke access to everything in such cases.

Yes, we have flexible monthly payment plans. These are payment plans and not a subscription that can be cancelled.

I will be happy to answer your questions, please write to hello@asmitajason.com or message me on Instagram.

I don’t normally jump on discovery calls but if you are kean on joining and wanna have a chat with me, lets connect.  But feel free to ask any questions you have on IG-@asmitajason. I will be happy to answer all of your questions. Once you feel this is for you and you wanna invest, we can connect on a quick call. 

You are here because you are looking for the right support and guidance in your business. I know you are destined for much more success. This is your place to learn aligned strategies and scale your business with ease.

You are a perfect fit for this membership.
You have the desire to cross the 5k Months mark and build a sustainable business.