4 Simple Ways to Boost Instagram Story Views and Get More eyes on your Paid Offer.

Posted On Mar 11, 2024 |

I want to give you these 4 simple tricks/strategies from my experience that will help you take your story views up for sure.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to increase your Instagram Story views and sell some more offers/programs in 2024?

I get it, we all want to use social media to sign clients and leverage the tool at its full potential.

When it comes to social media who wouldn’t want to use Instagram which has over 500 million active users every single day?

I don’t say it is the only tool to grow your business but definitely it’s one of the best social media platforms to grow your business.

One of my favourite (and also most profitable) features of Instagram is using stories. Instagram stories are a great way to showcase your programs and sell them in a fun and exciting way.

Many of us complain about story views getting low and not algorithm not favouring us. Well let’s not blame the algorithm but do some work to boost the story views so we get more eyes on paid offers.

Boosting your Instagram story views is not as complicated as you think it should be. (yes we are used to complicating things and never get started).

Today, I want to give you these 4 simple tricks/strategies that will help you take your story views up for sure. Everything I share is coming from my experience using stories to sell my products and services for the last 4.5 years.

How to Get More Instagram Story Views Here are 4 ways to increase your Instagram Stories views in 2024.

  1. Wait for Old Stories to Disappear

  2. Use a Mixture of Business and Personal Stories

  3. Use Interactive Features such as Poll, stickers, and Quizzes

  4. Make Your Stories Fun and Exciting

Before we dive in, if you haven’t checked my Generate Endless leads on Instagram Stories Cheat Sheet, you can get it now for free.

Ready to get started? Let’s go deeper into each of these.

Simple tricks to Boost Instagram Story Views and Get More eyes on your Paid Offer.

1. Wait for Old Stories to Disappear:

This may sound stupid but it still matters. Having old stories that have less reach can affect the reach of your new stories. It's always good to wait until the old disappear and add new ones.

I have seen business owners creating a lot of stories, sometimes these stories go beyond 10-15 slides. It's a good way to create story sequences but sometimes if your stories aren't engaging enough you see views drop throughout. This is not only because of your content but it is also the normal tendency and real stats. People drop off halfway.

So Imagine you have a story that has gotten very little reach and you create new stories…the new ones will also have less reach.

It’s a good thing to wait for old stories to disappear and create new ones from scratch. In that sense, you can also clear old stories while creating new ones. But remember they are deleted forever and can’t be found in the archive or added to highlights later.

It's ok to share multiple stories and have a lot of slides, but sometimes its good to have fewer story slides to clean up the stories and start afresh for boosted views.

In the screenshot above, it was 15+ slides and the reach has gone down from 200+ to 39.

2. Use a Mixture of Business and Personal Stories:

People love human connection. Be the real you in stories. Share your business and personal stories rather than just keeping it to business. People love to see your personal life and they actually get more views.

I don’t say share your entire personal life but do share some important moments and how you embody what you teach. You can show a little of your lifestyle and precious moments. These personal stories build the trust factor and your views actually go up.

Sop whenever views go up, you can always have your regular business stories to give value and sell your programs.

A good balance of both in your day-to-day strategy is good for boosting views and also increased sales. You can do this by starting everyday with a personal story, then move on to share biz stories and end again with something personal.

Just an example of 2 different story styles. One helps me boost views and the other helps boost sales.

3. Use Interactive Features such as Poll, stickers, and Quizzes:

The more people interact with your stories, the more the reach is boosted to others. If you can get people to interact with your stories with these features, IG algorithm pushes your story to more viewers.

This is a little sneaky algorithm tick but works 100%. Make it a point to add some kind of interaction opportunities for your people on your stories. May it be a poll or just a sticker or even encourage them to DM or like the story.

The interactions are considered valuable in the Instagram algorithm and the views get boosted to other followers as well.

Some examples of interactive features to boost story views.

4. Make Your Stories Fun and Exciting:

No one likes boring stories. Keep them fun and entertaining so people have a reason to come back and watch your stories. The more people love your stories, the better your reach is.

I don’t say your stories are boring but many times we have seen people not having the right content strategy for stories. Always make sure you have the right strategy when it comes to your stories. Let your content for stories be different from that on your feed. Don’t just share every post to stories as part of your strategy. Be creative and yet strategic to sign clients with ease.

Attempt to use visuals to make stories non-boring. 

These are simple tips that normally you won’t hear anywhere. I share insights from my experience in my monthly membership around audience growth and visibility.

You can learn more about the Audience Builder Club where I share every little secret that I have figured out over the past 4.5 years on this journey.

Categories: : Instagram Story

Hey, I am Asmita Jason,

A mum of 2 and a Business Growth & Visibility Coach who rebuilt her entire business empire in 365 days with babies. I had to burn down a business that brought in consistent 4-figure-months and re-start to build a biz that felt aligned with my mommy lifestyle.

I support online coaches to get visible, build their authority and grow their audience by nailing visibility foundations to build a sustainable online business.